I really like the sentiment behind this graffiti and think that it conveys some very strong messages about how the car and roads are so dominant in the urban landscape, with its needs prioritised over the pedestrians.

Is this trying to express that people shouldn't be forced to cross roads at designated points. Could it be the case that once a crossing is designated on a street then this will be the only place that people will ever be able to cross at. Cars wont slow to allow pedestrians cross anywhere else on the street because they think the pedestrians should be using the crossing, thereby forcing pedestrians to use the crossing even if it is out of their way to do so. Prehaps if that crossing was never there then pedestrians would attempt to cross the road an numerous points making cars more cautious and so more likely to slow down and allow pedestrians to cross? Does..........
Are car parks destroying destroying the fragile and beautiful natural landscape? The more dominant we are on the car the more we need car parks. The more car parks we build the less greenspace we have. The less greenspace we have the less we are likely to want to do for a walk. The less we walk the more dominant we are on the car. The more dominant we are on the car...

Are roads tearing communities apart? Unzipping socail connections?
Is the need to design out any possibility of any risk in a public space and the street clutter that this will lead to, killing the life of public spaces? Im not sure if the image above is by the same person but I think it shares the same sentiments.