Just Seat it

Fixed individual seats offer little in choice of where you sit, what you look at and who you sit with.

Seats can sometimes be tables.......

...........and sometimes so uncomfortable people would rather sit on the floor.

Seating can sometimes be found in the narrowest of places.

Sometimes seats are steps.........................
......and sometimes you dont need seats at all.
People will sometimes sit on mint humbugs.

Seating - Dewsbury Town Hall

The benches outside Dewsbury Town Hall are wide enough for two people to sit back to back. This allows people more choice of where to sit and according to Willian H Whyte allows for a more 'socially comfortable' space, therefore a more used space.

Public Space - Olso Opera House

According to Wired magazine the public space surrounding, incorporated within Oslo Opera House was designed with skateboarders in mind.

Dragor, Denmark

Dragor, an historic village built to the modern principle of maximising solar gain.

Interspersed with small shared surfaced spaces.